Department of Physics
IIST, Trivandrum.
Kerala, India.
Professional Summary
Dr. Umesh Kadhane completed his PhD in the field of ion-molecule collisions from TIFR, Mumbai followed by more than three years of experience with ion-storage devices and mass spectrometry at the University of Aarhus, Denmark and the University of Paris Sud, Orsay, France. He started his academic career as a teacher at the Dept. of Physics, IIT Madras in Dec. 2008. Two years later, he moved to the newly formed Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Trivandrum. For the last decade, he has worked towards developing in-house three major mass spectroscopy and electron spectrometry systems. He has guided several undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as seven PhD students. Apart from academics, he is also involved in multiple space research related activities. This includes substantial contributions in diagnostics systems, simulations and overall system development of Electric Propulsion Systems (EPS) being developed by LPSC, Valiamala (ISRO) for the Indian space program. Presently he is the deputy project director for the High Thrust EPS for LPSC. He is also a principal investigator for three major payload activities at IIST including the plasma measurement instrumentation payload around Earth, Mars and Venus. He has also set up two new laboratories at IIST for space research which includes, electric propulsion diagnostics laboratory (EPDL) and the Sensors and payload development laboratory for SSPACE (SPDL-S). He is an avid educator with a keen interest in disseminating scientific theory and ideas among the wider student community and public.