The high-resolution energy-ToF spectrometer technique developed here at IIST is capable of covering a wide and continuous range of time scales, typically from few nanosecond (ns) to hundreds of μs will be most suitable to track dissociation processes of molecules of interest. Such a technique would be very essential in a host of molecular dynamics problems like for instance the characterisation of dissociation rates like those of H loss or C2H2 loss channels, two prominent primary decay channels of PAHs which can vary in several orders of magnitude for a small shift in internal energy. The high mass and energy resolution of the instrument has been very useful in uncovering various interesting dynamical aspects of dissociation processes like for instance the differentiation between sequential and molecule hydrogen loss, identification of the point of decay of dissociative channels etc. to name a few. The instrument also has an imaging neutral detector which was used in ion-neutral coincidence studies.